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Offer subject to change without notice. A Setup Service Fee of $75 applies to setup your device and related services. Taxes extra.
Rogers 5G Home Internet service available within Rogers’ 5G coverage area and will be delivered over the 4G LTE network where there is no 5G coverage (see rogers.com/coverage to check availability). Service can only be used at your fixed service address and is not available within Extended Coverage areas.
*Rogers was ranked first in the umlaut Mobile Data Performance audit in 2022-2023. Visit https://www.umlaut.com/en/benchmarking/canada
- You can cancel your 5G Home Internet service anytime and return the Home Internet device without any further commitment. If you cancel the service, you must return the device within 30 days, or be subject to a $200 charge. If you cancel the service within the first 30 days, Rogers will refund the monthly service fee and there will be no further commitment.
- The 5G Home Internet devices are data-only devices. You can’t use them to make voice calls or send text messages.
- 500 GB at download speeds of up to 100Mbps and upload speeds of up to 10Mbps. After exceeding 500GB, download speeds of up to 10 Mbps and upload speeds of up to 2Mbps with no data overage charges. At all times when video streaming, download speeds of up to 3Mbps per stream. Actual speeds experienced will vary based on various factors, including placement of the Rogers 5G Home Internet device within your home, network coverage, signal strength, home construction materials, customer’s connected device(s), topography, environmental conditions and internet traffic and network management practices (see rogers.com/terms for Rogers Network Management Policy and Wireless Home Internet Policy).